Centro da cidade -Centrum-Downtown

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Brussels, Belgium

Litter belongs in the trash bin, and nowhere else.
Fost Plus is a governmental organisation occupied with recycling waste in Belgium.

Problema de toda cidade grande…médias e pequenas também.”Lixo pertence à lata de
lixo não aos lugares próximos”.

Relógios raros (todas peças em madeira) Wood pocket clocks-

Relógios de madeira russos do século 19.Estes relógios foram produzidos pela família
Bronnikov da Russia.Por três gerações eles lideraram os conhecimentos em confeccionar pequenos e funcionais relógios de madeira.Entre os clientes estavam os líderes da época (czares) e outros importantes membros da sociedade.O preço destas peças excedia aos dos relógios de ouro. Poucas peças sobreviveram à revolução russa ou ao estado comunista.Os que restaram são um raro artigo de antiquarios e estão cotados em U$ 20,000 cada um.
Russian wooden clocks of the 19th century Such Russian clocks were produced by the Bronnikov family from Russia. For three generations they mastered their skills on crafting light-weight fully functional wooden pocket clocks. Such gadgets were true hit back then, among their customers there were Russian Tzars and other high society members. The price of such wooden clocks exceeded of those of gold. Not many of those survived Russian revolution and communist reign. Those who did are a rare guest of antique shops priced at around $20,000 for each

A Bolívia acha o seu pote de ouro…Bolivia is to Lithium as Saudi Arabia is to Oil.

O video acima foi mostrado na CNN e refere-se ao sonho boliviano de tornar-se a nova
Arabia Saudita do mundo ainda durante o século 21 e firmar-se como país rico no século 22…Por quê?
Porque é o pais que possui as maiores reservas de Litium, material utilizado nas baterias, inclusive dos carros elétricos que serão a maioria daqui para frente.Evo Morales , o presidente já avisou: empresas estrangeiras que vierem explorar estas reservas, necessariamente deverão reinvestir os lucros no país…
O mundo gira…o mundo muda!
Above, the video report from ITN which ran on CNN. Below, snip from transcript for the related PBS NewsHour discussion:
Half a world away, Bolivia’s president, Evo Morales, is going for a drive in an electric car. The French auto magnate, Vincent Bollore, whose company has developed the vehicle is showing him the prototypes.
Morales is a socialist determined to uphold the rights of Bolivia’s indigenous people. He says the Americans are all imperialists, so the Frenchman sees an opportunity to win favor and get the lithium.
VINCENT BOLLORE, French businessman (through translator): It’s you who controls the raw materials for the 21st and 22nd centuries. You’re like Saudi Arabia. It’s you.
LINDSEY HILSUM: In the Bolivian capital La Paz, they’re dreaming about that pot of gold. A new socialist constitution says foreign companies exploiting the country’s natural resources must reinvest all profits in Bolivia.
LUIS ALBERTO ECHAZU, Bolivian minister of mining (through translator): Any company which would like to work with us will have to develop industries here, otherwise there’s nothing. It’s very simple: We will not continue exporting raw materials for another 500 years. That is over.

A maneira certa de convencer…polícia inova na Dinamarca.

Video of police in Denmark stopping bicyclists, hugging them, and giving them helmets.
Video da policia da Dinamarca mostra ação da polícia, visando convencer ciclistas a utilizar o capacete.No filme o ciclista recebe um abraço e em seguida um capacete.
Perfeito!(aqui seria um tapa e uma ordem – sai do meio da rua sem vergonha!)

Ajude o museu da MARGS-propaganda no exterior

It’s your turn to be appreciated. Donate to MARGS museum.

Advertising Agency: DCS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Creative Directors: Roberto Callage, Rafael Bohrer
Art Director: Gregory Kickow
Copywriter: Patrick Matzenbacher
Illustrator: Andre Mello
Photographer: Claudio Meneghetti
Published: March 2009

-Terra -Earth-

Olhe bem, preste atenção:é o único lugar para você, para mim, para todos nós em bilhões, talvez trilhões ou mais de quilômetros…cada pequenina ação de ajuda ao planeta, reflete positivamente em algum ponto da biosfera.Somos bilhões de seres humanos e se cada um apagar uma lâmpada, consumir menos água, deixar em casa o carro por um dia, plantar uma árvore,etc… os reflexos positivos aparecerão.

Hoje a natureza começa a ver o ser humano como uma ameaça, devido a destruição que vem causando. As consequências deste comportamento já estamos sentindo.Vamos mudar?vamos ensinar as próximas gerações? faça algo, por você,for mim, pela humanidade.

Give a look at this photo, pay attention: it’s the only place for you, for me, for us in billions, perhaps trillions of miles or more … every little action to aid the planet, reflects positively somewhere in the biosfera.We are billions and each lamp we turn off, if we consume less water, leave the car at home for a day, plant a tree, etc … the positive reflections will appear. Today, nature is beginning to see human beings as a threat. The consequences we are seeing at the news .Let´s change?Can we teach the next generations? Do something for you,for me ,for all human beings. (and sorry about my english…)

Sapo cubano "iluminado" (also in english-strikig photo of a frog)

James Snyder took this striking photo of a frog that ate a small light bulb. It was featured in National Geographic’s “Daily Dozen.”
This is a Cuban tree frog on a tree in my backyard in southern Florida. How and why he ate this light is a mystery. It should be noted that at the time I was taking this photo, I thought this frog was dead having cooked himself from the inside. I’m happy to say I was wrong. After a few shots he adjusted his position. So after I was finished shooting him, I pulled the light out of his mouth and he was fine. Actually, I might be crazy but I don’t think he was very happy when I took his light away.
James Snyder “tirou” uma foto incrível de um sapo no momento em que ele come uma lâmpada de natal. A foto apareceu no site do National Geographic. O fotógrafo pensou que o sapo tinha sido “cozido” por dentro devido ao calor da lâmpada e que ao retirar a mesma da boca do pequeno anfíbio este parecia estar meio contrariado…