Buraco gigantesco(hoje) no meio da rua na Guatemala! Sinkhole in Guatemala (Karst Topography)

…na capital da Guatemala, após erupção vulcânica e dos ventos -tormenta- “Agatha” – que
causaram mais de 100 mortes,o incrível fenômeno com mais de 60 metros de profundi-
dade e 30 metros de diâmetro e que engoliu um pequeno prédio de três andares…
Bem no cruzamento…incrível…, caso alguem duvide…abaixo a comprovação depois de confirmação com o governo local, com links…
Veja blog local com mais detalhes

This photos shows a massive, spontaneous sinkhole (“hundimiento”) that appeared today in Zone 2 of Guatemala City, after overwhelming saturation of rains from tropical storm Agatha.It´s a 60m-deep sinkhole which reportedly swallowed
up a three-storey building.

Not Photoshop, sadly: these happen from time to time during major storms in part because of unstable geology (and bad urban engineering—read more about it in the comments). There are rumors of similar sinkholes now forming nearby.

1) it’s not Photshopped or otherwise hoaxed
2) This is not a photo from 2007.
The phenomenon of “hundimientos,” or rain-flooded earth during disaster-level storms just opening up and swallowing roads and buildings, is something endemic to Guatemala because of the local geology. I’m not a geologist, but I’ve spent a lot of time there. There’s a lot of limestone, urban development on top of what used to be cave systems, lots of volcanoes, etc. So this does happen. If any geologists are reading this and have time to explain some of the science, that would be great. But yeah, it happens.
Here is a related news report from today in Prensa Libre (Spanish). Here’s another in La Hora. Not sure who took these photos, but more here.

outro link abaixo -jornal “The Guardian” da Inglaterra.
another link: