Uma árvore diferente. A different tree.(also in english)

O eucalipto deglupta é uma árvore alta,conhecido popularmente como o “eucalipto arco-íris”. Sua distribuição natural abrange Nova Inglaterra, Nova Guiné, Ceram, Sulawesi e Mindanao.
Esta árvore é cultivada para fins ornamentais, devido à listras multi-coloridas que cobrem o tronco. Manchas de casca exterior aparecem anualmente em diferentes épocas, cobrindo a casca verde-claro interior. A substituição da casca e amadurece para dar azul, roxo, laranja e tons de marrom, em seguida.
Eucalyptus deglupta is a tall tree, commonly known as the Rainbow Eucalyptus. Its natural distribution spans New Britain, New Guinea, Ceram, Sulawesi and Mindanao.
This tree is grown for ornamental purposes, due to the showy multi-coloured streaks that cover the trunk. Patches of outer bark are shed annually at different times, showing the bright-green inner bark. This then darkens and matures to give blue, purple, orange and then maroon tones.

Alguns oasis pelo mundo…( texto em inglês)

This wonderful desert lake is set within Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Maranhao, Brasil. It forms part of a system of fresh water lagoons which fill up with rainwater during the first six months of the year and then gradually evaporate over time to be topped up again the following year. Some of the lakes within the park are dotted with palm trees. This lonely lake, however, has one solitary dry branch decorating its banks.

Huacachina is a small oasis town in the Ica region of southwest Peru. This oasis, named ‘Oasis of Americas’, is a popular resort with local families and tourists. A legend says the lagoon was created when an inquisitive young hunter disturbed a beautiful princess bathing. She fled, leaving the pool of water behind which became the lagoon.

Ubari Lakes are part of Erg Awbari Oasis in the Sahara. Located near Fezzan and 30kms north of Germa in Libya, these salt water lakes are a central trading point for many locals, who gather at the edges of the lake selling souvenirs and other goods.

The beautiful oasis of Chebika in Tunisia is probably one that most people know about without realizing it. It is where Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope was filmed. The story goes that the oasis was actually named after one of the characters, Chewbacca.

This oasis is hidden in the depths of the Oman desert, where a number of green oases dot the landscape. A few oases in the tiny Sultanate, on the corner of the Arabian Peninsula, are hotspots for botanical studies into agro-biodiversity where many of the ancient oasis are in rapid decline; researchers want to figure out why.

Nahal David is a quiet oasis found near Bethlehem, Israel’s Palestinian West Bank. It’s certainly a far cry from the war-torn images often associated with that part of the world.