Surf na Pororoca-2010 !! Surf in the River-Pororoca 2010

A “pororoca” deste ano tem previsão de milhares de turistas para a pequena cidade de São Domingos do Capim, no estado do Pará.

Entre os dias 26 e 31 de março a natureza oferece este fenômeno, provocado pelo encontro do rio Amazonas com o oceano Atlântico, que forma ondas de três a seis metros de altura nesta época do ano.

Existem eventos similares pelo planeta, porém as nossas ondas atraem cada vez mais turistas e atletas (surfistas) que vêm ao Pará em busca de aventura enão acreditam nas ondas que se formam.

O evento já tem cobertura nacional e internacional.
Abaixo (em inglês) os locais onde também acontecem as “pororocas” pelo planeta:


* Ganges–Brahmaputra, India, Bangladesh

* Indus River, India, Pakistan

* Qiantang River, China,Tidal bore of Qiantang River which has the world’s largest bore, up to 9 meters (30 ft) high, traveling at up to 40 km per hour (25 miles an hour).See it:

* Batang Lupar or Lupar River, near Sri Aman, Malaysia. The tidal bore is locally known as benak.Australia

* Styx River, Queensland, Australia

* Daly River, Northern Territory, Australia

United Kingdom

The Trent Aegir seen from West Stockwith, Nottinghamshire, 20 September 2005

The Trent Aegir at Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, 20 September 2005

*River Dee, Wales / England

* River Mersey
* The Severn bore on the River Severn, England up to 2 metres (6.6 ft) high

* The Trent Aegir on the River Trent, up to 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) high, England. Also other tributaries of the Humber Estuary

* River Parrett* River Welland
* River Kent
* River Great Ouse
* River Ouse, Yorkshire, like the Trent bore, this is also known as “the Aegir”.
* River Eden
* River Esk
*River Nith
* River Lune, Lancashire

The phenomenon is generally named un mascaret in French but some other local names are preferred.

* Seine, locally named la barre, had a significant bore until the 1960s. Since then it has been practically eliminated by dredging and river training .

* Baie du Mont Saint Michel including Couesnon, Sélune, Sée.
* Arguenon
* Baie de la Frênaye
* Vire
* Sienne
* Vilaine, locally named le mascarin

* Dordogne

* Garonne
North America

Tidal bore on the Petitcodiac River

* Turnagain arm of Cook Inlet, Alaska. Up to 2 metres (6.6 ft) and 20 km per hour.Most rivers draining into the upper Bay of Fundy between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have tidal bores. Notable ones include:

* Petitcodiac River formerly the highest bore in North America at over 2 metres (6.6 ft) high. It was reduced to little more than a ripple due to causeway construction and extensive siltation.

* Shubenacadie River, also off the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. When the tidal bore approaches, completely drained riverbeds are filled. It has claimed the lives of several tourists that were in the riverbeds when the bore came in. Tourboat operators offer rafting excursions in summer.

* The bore is fastest and tallest in some of the smaller rivers that connect to the Bay including the River Hebert and Maccan River on Cumberland Basin, the St. Croix, Herbert and Kennetcook Rivers in the Minas Basin, and the Salmon River in Truro.

South America

* Amazon River in Brazil and Orinoco River in Venezuela, up to 4 metres (13 ft) high, running at up to 20 km/h (13 miles per hour). It is known locally as the pororoca.

* Mearim River in Brazil.

* Araguari River in Brazil.