Uma cama que flutua! This bed floats!

Esqueça a cama d’agua!
A cama que flutua esta chegando…
Poderosos imãs é o segredo da invenção.

Um dos pólos fica na base de madeira o oposto é fixado na cama…Os cabos mantém a cama no centro e dizem que a sensação é de estar flutuando no ar…
A levitating magnetic bed. Yes, ladies and gents, this bed floats. The bed actually consists of two seperate and necessary parts, much like a regular boxspring and mattress combo. First, you’ve got your base (the large part there, you know, the one that looks like it could be the base of something), which provides the housing for very specifically and securely placed neodymium magnets. For those of you who are unfamiliar, neodymium magnets are totally insane. The second part, the effective mattress, is basically just a smaller slab of wood — comfy! — with similarly placed magnets intended to repel those in the base. Tie it down to keep it from flying away and there you have it, floating bed. The completed bed can float an impressive 250 pounds, making it suitable for floating your average sleeper.

(reddit via Hack a Day)

Conheça o barco energizado pelo sol /First electrical engine boat.

O primeiro barco movido a energia solar a navegar ao redor da terra,o “PlanetSolar’s TÛRANOR,navega
com um motor elétrico,silenciosamente e sem poluir.O barco tem duas missões a cumprir.O primeiro obje-
tiv é mostrar que as tecnologias atuais são efetivas e utilizáveis.O segundo objetivo é avançar na pesquisa
científica de energia renováveis.O maior bote movido a energia solar esteve em Miami,Cancun,Brisbane,
Hong Kong e esta a caminho do Vietnam.Medindo 101 pés de comprimento e 49 pés de largura,no valor
de U$ 26 milhões ,o Tûranor pode transportar confortavelmente 50 passageiros.O design -Suíço e a
construção alemã é movido por paineis solares.Estes paineis carregam dois motores elétricos,que podem
alcançar 34 km/h.Os paineis podem estocar energia suficiente para manter o barco em clima sem sol por
três dias. O excesso de energia é armazenado em uma bateria de lithium-ion gigante.O nome do barco,
Tûranor é originado do filme “O Senhor dos Anéis”

PlanetSolar’s TÛRANOR is currently on its way to becoming the first solar-powered boat to circumnavigate the globe. Driven by a silent, pollution-free electrical engine that is powered exclusively by solar energy, the PlanetSolar team has two goals in mind. The first objective is to show that current technologies aimed at improving energy efficiency are reliable and effective. The second is to advance scientific research in the field of renewable energy. The world’s largest solar-powered boat has already been to Miami, Cancun, Brisbane, Hong Kong and just made its way to Vietnam. Measuring around 101 feet long and 49 feet wide, the $26 million TÛRANOR can comfortably transport 50 passengers. The Swiss-designed, German-built ship is powered by over 5,380 square feet of solar paneling. The panels power two electric motors, which can reach 15 miles per hour. The panels can also soak up enough stored energy to power the boat in cloudy weather for three days. The excess energy is stored in a giant lithium-ion battery. And, in case you were wondering how PlanetSolar came up the ship’s name, TÛRANOR is derived from the “Lord of the Rings”