ninguém morreu…nobody dies…

Cinco pessoas tiveram sorte ao sobreviverem a uma batida frontal entre um pequeno avião e
uma caminhoneta no mês passado.
O carro com três passageiros vinha rodando por uma estrada secundária quando um Piper Cherokee com dois ocupantes no seu interior bateu de frente no veículo.
Logo em seguida o avião incendiou-se.O carro pelo menos na foto parece não ter sofrido grandes danos.O fato aconteceu na África do Sul.
FIVE PEOPLE are lucky to be alive after a freak head-on crash involving a plane and a four-wheel-drive ute. June 12, 2009 04:04pm

The light aircraft had just taken off from a South African runway when it plunged down towards a secluded road near Krugersdorp Airport, west of Johannesburg. The Ford ute, carrying three people, was travelling in the opposite direction when the two-seater Piper Cherokee ploughed into it before bursting into flames, South African newspaper The Times reports. Amazingly, no one was killed in the crash. Pictures from the scene show the Piper demolished and burning, while only the engine bay of the ute appeared to be damaged.

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